Doboszenski & Sons, Inc.
Excavating, Earthwork, Site Development, and Crushing
Holiday Train
For the past 15 years, Doboszenski & Sons joins local businesses to sponsor the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train in Loretto. The train arrives on a December evening, bringing lighted train cars, entertainment, and even Santa Claus himself. It is a truly festive and joyous event for the entire town.
During the Holiday Train event, owners and employees from Doboszenski & Sons volunteer at the food shelf drop-off site. All donations and perishables are collected and distributed to the local food shelf. In December 2014, $28,834 and 7,148 pounds of food were collected during the Holiday Train - a new record that we hope to beat next year!
Highway Pickup
Winter means three things for Minnesota roads: snow, salt, and trash. The snow melts, the salt rinses away, but the trash needs some outside help. Every spring, Doboszenski & Sons cleans up a portion of Highway 55 as part of Minnesota's Adopt a Highway Program. Volunteers wake up early, sip strong coffee, don orange vests and hit the highway to collect winter's accumulated trash.
© 2019 by Doboszenski & Sons, Inc.
9520 County Road 19, Loretto, MN 55357